Business Innovation and Investment (Entrepreneur stream) visa 188E

Eligibility Criteria:

Age: You must be under 55 years of age. However, this requirement may be waived if your proposed entrepreneur activity is deemed of exceptional economic benefit to the nominating state or territory.

Language Proficiency: Demonstrate competent English proficiency, providing evidence at the time of visa application.

Entrepreneurial Activity: You must be involved in or propose to undertake a complying entrepreneur activity in Australia with a genuine intention to continue this activity.

Complying Entrepreneur Activity Requirements:

Funding Agreement:

  • You must have one or more legally enforceable agreements to receive a total funding of at least AUD 200,000 from eligible entities such as:
    • Commonwealth or State/Territory Government agencies
    • Publicly funded research organizations
    • Australian Venture Capital Limited Partnerships
    • Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnerships
    • Specified Higher Education Providers

Funding Allocation:

  • At least 10% of the funding must be payable to the entrepreneurial entity within 12 months from the start date of the activity in Australia.

Business Interest:

  • You must hold at least a 30% interest in your entrepreneurial entity when entering into the funding agreement.

Business Plan:

  • A detailed business plan outlining how your innovative idea will lead to the commercialization of a product/service or the development of a business in Australia.

Benefits of the Visa:

  • Initial Visa Grant: A four-year visa allowing you to establish or develop a business in Australia.
  • Investment Opportunities: Engage in designated investments with Australian state or territory governments or maintain complying investments in Australia.
  • Family Inclusion: Bring family members to Australia.
  • Travel Flexibility: Travel in and out of Australia throughout the visa’s validity.

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